News & Notes from the Field  Announcements

PrecisCx Sponsors and Participates in 2024 GETT Expo
Posted 2024-10-30 by Kari Donovan in Announcements

PrecisCx served for the third year as a Visionary Sponsor of the 2024 Girls Exploring Tomorrow’s Technology (GETT) Expo, a program with which the firm has been involved since 2016. On Saturday, 26 October 2024, girls in grades 4 through 10 participated in the one-day, free, interactive science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) experience at the Philadelphia Expo Center in Oaks, Pa. Girls had the opportunity to meet a diverse group of professional women in STEM while participating in hands-on activities.

The PrecisCx team included President Kari Anne Donovan, PE, CxA; Commissioning, Qualification, and Validation (CQV) Engineer Lauren Schilling, EIT; CQV Project Administrator Adriennie Clayton; and Drexel co-op student Noa Barzeski. They hosted an exhibit table titled, ‘Simple Circuits’ that demonstrated series and parallel circuits and enabled girls to create paper circuit greeting cards that spelled BOO for Halloween.

“It’s always a great day to watch as girls experience new aspects of STEM,” said Donovan. “It’s so important for the women of PrecisCx to serve as positive role models and show girls that STEM careers can be fun and exciting.”

GETT began in Chester County, Pa., in 2001 as a response to the under-representation of young women in the computer and information technology fields. Since then, GETT has expanded its reach to expose students from around Southeastern Pennsylvania to additional STEM fields. GETT is an initiative of the Innovative Technology Action Group (ITAG), a program under the Chester County Economic Development Council. For more information, visit